
California is known for many things.



Fish tacos…

Amazing weather…



Lots and lots of traffic.

Part of this is because California, and Southern California in particular, is known as having an embarrassing lack of public transportation.

We are not the EU. Heck, we’re not even Portland.

As such, most Californians are drivers. Drivers that completely clog up our streets and freeways.

So we talk about our streets and freeways. A lot.

And we LOVE to talk about the best routes to avoid our nightmarish traffic.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, watch this Saturday Night Live clip.

(If you do know what I’m talking about, the clip above is even better).

I found myself in this exact situation last week when I had to pick up a check from up north and deliver it down south.

To get back down south I had to transition between a couple of freeways. Sure enough, the first transition was completely backed up and traffic was moving at a snail’s pace.

Typical California. No big deal.

But then, as I sat in this long queue with no exit ramp in sight, it hit me.

Every Californian’s worst nightmare.

I realized there was a better route I could have taken.

Suddenly, the frustration of routine traffic became unbearable.

Not because of how long it was taking.

But because it didn’t have to be that way.

I could have done better.

I should have done better.

Surprisingly, I found myself relating back to this experience a few nights later.

(No, not because I obsess over my driving routes at night. I mean, not often anyways.)

I was doing some site maintenance on and realized, just like in that freeway transition, that I had been going the wrong direction.

There is a better way.

Now here’s the thing. I’m okay with things taking time. I’m a relatively patient guy.

I’m NOT okay with not taking time because I was going in the wrong direction.

But unlike that freeway transition, there is an off ramp here.

It’s not a usual one, but I’m so obsessed with providing international students with the best possible route to living their American Dream that I’m doing something crazy.

I’m pulling all my services off of

For now.

Seriously, go to my website and you will see that is currently empty.

For now.

That’s because I’m not okay with offering international students anything less than the best possible route to studying in the U.S. and to ultimately living their American Dream.

So I’ll be working on that for as long as it takes to get it right.

And when things are ready, all ya’ll on my email list will be the first to know.

(If you have any friends that would want to be in-the-know also, feel free to share my subscription link.)

In the meantime, I’ll still be sending out my weekly updates, but I won’t be offering services.

For now.

Can’t wait to share what’s coming next with everyone.




Planes, Trains, & Automobiles


Taylor Swift, International Students, and Bees